What do I hope to get out of this class? On the very first night I was relieved to see that this would indeed be a creative class. My aim is to extend my creative vocabulary through development of image series, as well as combination of image and sound. I would like to experiment with video. - Leslie
Wow, was this an open-shutter kind of thing? The person standing there looks so ghostly...
How did you do that? It does look like a ghost! I am not very good at photography.. so I would love to learn how to do more :)
This is great. Perfect time of day for this - I like that there is still light in the sky and that you can see the house next door. The light from the garage is awesome.
Thanks for the comments. This was a 25 second exposure at twilight, F16, ISO 100. That's me walking around and stopping for about 10 secs in each location.
This is very interesting, definitely looks like a ghost. Thanks for also sharing your technique used, it didn't occur to me to play with a longer exposure to create the illusion of motion. Good job.
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