Monday, November 17, 2008

Taking the Dog Out

A silent movie about taking the dog out.


Melissa said...

why is my video so small and has all that black space around it? Is it because I used a crappy camera that takes video and the resolution is low??

David said...

I'm guessing it was your export settings in Final Cut (or whatever software you used.) You might want to take another look at your Final Cut project file and make sure the settings are right and everything looks good and then export it again.

Funny video, music would be a good touch though.

Melissa said...

thanks for the feedback... I'll try to get to class early thurs to check out the settings in final cut. I know - it does need music but not sure I'll have time before class to figure it out and not have it sound like a last minute addition.

Christine said...

very cute story! The dog did a very good job at acting :-)