Thursday, September 25, 2008


Alcohol! It transforms anti-social mutes to outgoing people, well-oriented individuals to stumbling buffoons, and bad parties into good ones. More literally, in the photograph I am transforming a full bottle of Steel Reserve malt liquor into an empty one. The transformation can either be good or bad, I have friends that are recovering alcoholics and others that just like an occasional beer or three, but one thing is certain... it does transform.

In this class I would like to learn ways I can improve the composition, overall look, feel or other aspects of my work by actually creating new works. Also, I'd be happy if I could find inspiration to create some movies or more animation (I've been neglecting it in order to do more 2-d graphic design and artwork). Also, anything I can create during the class to add to my portfolio would be a big plus. I'm more interested in the practical application of certain techniques than reviewing theory (because my background is already in a related field).

1 comment:

Christine said...

this is a really cool picture. Very true about people transforming in one way or another with alcohol. I bartended for 8 years so I definitely have seen this!