Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Assignment for November 20

1. Finish your video in Final Cut Express

2. Export as QuickTime, testing out different compression schemes. For standard 4x3, I recommend 320 by 240 (ie. QVGA), for 16x9 you can use 480 by 370 which is becoming a de facto standard.

3. Post online -- preferably to blip.tv -- and cross post to our class blog. Remember to cross post with blip, you need to add our class blog by logging in with your blogger/gmail account name/password.

1 comment:

chunkstyle said...

i had to redo most of my work because i have limited access to the final cut programs :( i used pro and then had to change to express to redo. is there a lab in ryder with pro? not a problem now, just wondering.