Monday, November 10, 2008

Field Trip: Adel Abdessemed

As requested, here is my feedback of one piece from Adel's show:
The piece that struck me the most were the large scale dual videos showing the fall from the plane next to the image of his son waving goodbye. If looked at separately, each video tells its own unique story and/or one's own interpretation of the story. Together, the images add another dimension. They feed off eachother and allow the viewer to construct a reason why the individual in the plane would want to commit suicide with a young child eagerly waving. Is the image of the child from long ago and has since died, leaving the jumper distraught? Is the jumper so distanced from reality that the child is insignificant? The combination of images basically makes me try to read into the story rather than take each video at face value.

1 comment:

Ravi said...

Very astute and I can see connections to your image sequence pieces -- with how meaning can be altered through juxtaposition.