Thursday, November 13, 2008

Field Trip - Adel Abdessemed

I enjoyed the exhibit, specifically the cats. The juxtaposition of cats drinking milk and the cat eating a rat made me think of my house cats in a different way. It was interesting that many visitors had been disturbed by the house cat and the rat but it is perfectly ordinary to watch a lion or tiger eat a deer on the Discovery Channel and not think anything of it.


Ravi said...

Is there a difference with viewing predatory behavior on TV (as edutainment) vs. in a gallery?

No said...

I don't know about tv vs. a gallery, but perhaps the idea of a supposedly domesticated animal (though these were feral cats I'm sure a house cat is equally as vicious to neighborhood rodents) tearing another animal apart is troubling. Big cats are supposed to be wild so it's accepted.