Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Final Assignment

Artist Statement

I have enjoyed photography for over 20 years; discovering digital in 2005. The program at Northeastern has allowed me to further my artistic vocabulary in the digital arts. Several years ago I acquired a collection of family slides dating back to 1958. I’ve wanted to incorporate these slides into my artwork through collage to explore themes of family, memory, and culture.

WBUR recently aired a segment about a special exhibit from the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, at the Russia at the Museum of Russian Icons in Clinton, MA. I was able to visit with my parents over Thanksgiving, and later interview my Mother about the exhibit, and our family history with the Russian Orthodox Church. My personal history with the church was intermittent and I never became grounded in the religion, but certain aspects of the culture are inescapable.

With this collage of video, family slides, and music I explore an important element in the cultural backdrop of my childhood and our family history.

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